UCAN+ Virtual Roundtable: Team Health and Wellbeing

Next month’s UCAN+ roundtable will take place on 17th May at 12:30. These roundtable events will occupy 1hr 15mins over a lunchtime slot, are aimed at our Senior Managers and UCAN+ members and are completely free to attend.

Join guest speakers from Thrive Worldwide as they provide top ten tips for managing mental health at work, looking at topics of supporting team members through anxiety, anger, conflict, stress, and periods of uncertainty.

This event is a prelude to a longer chargeable event due to take place in June, providing specialist and bespoke training for this area of staff management.

You're invited to come together with your colleagues across the country for some spiritual encouragement, skills-based development, and discussion in breakout rooms.

Please join us by clinking on this link to book:  MAY Virtual Roundtable